New bag limits for salmon trollers

EU Council regulation includes new restrictions for recreational fishers at the Baltic Sea in 2022. Together with Finnish Fishing Act the rules and bag limits are:

Gulf of Botnia and Archipelago Sea (in the Baltic Sea north of latitude 59°30′N)

– no more than one specimen of adipose fin-clipped salmon may be retained per fisherman per day
– no more than two specimen of salmon may be retained per fisherman per day from 1 May to 31 August in areas within four nautical miles measured from the baselines

Gulf of Finland

– no more than two specimen of salmon may be retained per fisherman per day

In the main basin of the Baltic Sea the bag limit is one specimen of adipose fin-clipped salmon per fisherman per day.

The purpose of regulations is to preserve native stocks of salmon according to the recommendations of International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES).

You can check out the location of the baseline at Paikkatietoikkuna. Choose Map layers – Administrative units – Territorial sea baseline.

EU Council Regulation, see Article 9.

Photo on the top: View of Kvarken Archipelago. In 2022 trolling fishing for salmon is restricted in the Baltic Sea. However, in the coastal areas of the Gulf of Bothnia and the Aland Sea directed fishery can continue during the salmon summer migration. Photo: Ismo Kolari.